Job or a Role?
Sometimes it isn’t really clear which are jobs and which are roles. Here are some tips to help figure out which is which.
Jobs are typically what we are hired into.
Jobs have more official titles.
Jobs tend to be consistent from company to company.
Jobs encompass most if not all the work.
People identify what they do with their job.
Roles are typically a part of a job and not the whole job.
A role could be a way a team breaks up responsibilities. Each person gets a role which is a part of the entire work they do.
A role could also be shared across several different jobs. Think of a team’s trainer. This person has a day job but then is also responsible for training new people. It’s a similar role whether you are an accountant, fire fighter, or a chef.
When we are digging into a job or a role analysis, its helpful to clarify the scope of the training solution. You can identify which jobs or which roles will participate in this training. It gives you a boundary to work within to learn more about your learners, what they do, what they struggle with, and then, what to train them on.